Talk amongst ourselves

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Now That's One Dandy-lion!!!!

Friday night show:
What a great show, and what a great performance, Bradley! Wasn't nuthin' cowardly about the way you handled yourself up there, especially after the wig came off! What a pro. For those who plan to go today, you are in for a real treat! It is a wonderful production. Break a leg!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Happy Birthday to You!!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Joannie,
Happy Birthday to you!

Have a wonderful, enjoyable day!

Friday, April 20, 2007

It's up on the WTMJ Website

It's up on their web site!! CHECK IT OUT!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ryan - Wednesday Weather Child

Wednesday's Weather Child for Wed. April 18, 2007... RYAN KELNHOFER.
Click here for a dark video of him in the studio. You don't hear the sound effects...(drum peal)...but until he's on their here
Thanks for letting me brag!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Hey everyone,
Tonight I concluded my involvement in college theatre with the closing of my show Working. It was quite a fun show to put on, and I was lucky to work with such an amazing ensemble of singers/actors/people. Despite the unfortunate schedule of the run (Thursday and Friday night and Saturday matinée) I was lucky to have a great deal of support coming from Milwaukee to see the show, including my loving mother who took an early flight back from her mission trip to be able to see it. Thanks to everyone who intended.

Yes, we're actually standing on a set of the word Working. It had somewhat of a Sesame Street meets everyman feel. We used only the blocks to make up our set, and they became tables in a restaurant, car seats and cubicles. Everyone was miced, even though we did it in a small black box theater, because the whole time we were competing with a 5 piece band that was all amplified. I got a lot of comments like, " There was not one weak voice in the show" and "The acting was as good as any professional level" which are amazing to hear, and welcome after the hard work we put into it. We started staging 3 weeks ago and had only had one week of musical rehearsal before that. However, I have to tell you that I wouldn't want to be stuck with any other people for such a condensed period of time than the eight people who did the show. All were very supportive of one another, and I ended up learning a great deal from everyone.

I'll also include this picture of my first number. Of course the women got to be back up singers/dancers to my "Lovin' Al." Unfortunately, in this picture, two of the girls look like they are going to kill me.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Shout Out to Jesse!

We were able to get to Lawrence last night to see Jesse in Working. Awesome show, awesome ensemble cast, awesome nephew! The nine member cast portrays almost 30 different characters (real people actually interviewed and each character is in their own words) about their line of work. Funny, sad, reflective, raunchy, eye-opening, highly entertaining. Go if you can!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Monday, April 02, 2007

Just a reminder that yes, there is a Sun. . . we saw it in Mexico long ago.