Ryan - Wednesday Weather Child
Wednesday's Weather Child for Wed. April 18, 2007... RYAN KELNHOFER.
Click here for a dark video of him in the studio. You don't hear the sound effects...(drum peal)...but until he's on their website...click here
Thanks for letting me brag!!
Wow, that is awesome to see the video, even if it is dark! Nice joke, Ryan!!
Chrissie, at 8:49 AM
Again, my comment didn't enter! Frustrating. What I said was, fabulous job, Ryan. Also, good for you, Betsy, for reminding the djs that Ryan had a joke! When it was aired, all you heard was,"what's that? You have a joke?" So, no one was the wiser that you had to say it 3 times! Way to go Kelnhofers!
Joannie, at 11:58 AM
Yes, the joke wouldn't have happened without the video taping Mom NOT GIVING UP!!!
betsyjane, at 2:39 PM
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