posted by DebbieJeanLimon at 1:59 PM
Great pic. Still trying to see the blog. It must be some setting on my computer. It skips to a japan ad every time. Weird.
By Chrissie, at 3:53 PM
Maybe it's like here - wait a few minutes until ad is done? then it will start?
By DebbieJeanLimon, at 3:40 PM
It's all good now. The most recent link was different and it worked. Yea!
By Chrissie, at 4:51 PM
So cool to follow them over there! What's the latest? Have you talked to Ronnie much? And of course, how are YOU doing? Haven't heard much from you lately.
By Joannie, at 8:26 PM
Sick (flu maybe) and tired - computer/pictures problems and doing conferences - but the porch looks good! I so miss Ronnie and Aaron - but we're doing OK.THANK YOU for asking. . . Sigh. . .
By DebbieJeanLimon, at 12:14 PM
AND YES IT'S AMAZING to follow them and see and HEAR THEM on the tour! (Wish i saw more of Aaron and Ronnie though- surprise surprise)
By DebbieJeanLimon, at 12:15 PM
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Ron Don John, Jim Jan Pat Ron Don John, Jim Jan Pat Ron Don John, Jim Jan Pat Debbie Joannie Chrissie Betsy Mom and Dad (Carolyn Dan Aaron Lindsay Ben Eric Jesse Lizzie Julia Leslie Bradley Danny Nate Ryan Maggie)
Great pic. Still trying to see the blog. It must be some setting on my computer. It skips to a japan ad every time. Weird.
Chrissie, at 3:53 PM
Maybe it's like here - wait a few minutes until ad is done? then it will start?
DebbieJeanLimon, at 3:40 PM
It's all good now. The most recent link was different and it worked. Yea!
Chrissie, at 4:51 PM
So cool to follow them over there! What's the latest? Have you talked to Ronnie much? And of course, how are YOU doing? Haven't heard much from you lately.
Joannie, at 8:26 PM
Sick (flu maybe) and tired - computer/pictures problems and doing conferences - but the porch looks good!
I so miss Ronnie and Aaron - but we're doing OK.
THANK YOU for asking. . .
Sigh. . .
DebbieJeanLimon, at 12:14 PM
AND YES IT'S AMAZING to follow them and see and HEAR THEM on the tour! (Wish i saw more of Aaron and Ronnie though- surprise surprise)
DebbieJeanLimon, at 12:15 PM
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