As you can see, you were surrounded in love from the day you were born. You were even given the honor of being placed in the center of the bed next to the beloved Hopscotch. I'm not sure who or what is being hugged by Lindsay, but you were front and center. You were always included in the family fun. That's why you have so much to offer in return, Julia! Look at that happy smile of contentment. As I said yesterday, I am glad you were born. (like no one knew that!) And as you can see, so were your brother and sister! We love you!
Happy Birthday, Mom! We will always love you, and never, ever forget you. What a day to have a birthday, when the men landed on the moon for the first time. July 20, 1969. What a thrill it was for you. You are on our minds and in our hearts especially today, and every day. Such an inspiration you have been to all of us. Rest in peace.