Talk amongst ourselves

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Lyme Disease 101

In case you were wondering what Lyme Disease looks is a "Classic Case" of what Lyme Disease looks like approximately 3-4 weeks after being stung. Perhaps if Ryan hadn't been so modest we would have noticed it earlier...but it has been diagnosed at "exactly the right time." He is on a strong anti-biotic for 2 weeks. Then in 3 or so weeks they'll do blood work to be sure it is gone!!

He will be fine...other symptoms he had (that were making us think strep before Mom noticed the above) were:

sore throat
sore all over especially legs
dizzy when he stood up

Anyway, we are thankful we caught it early enough. We noticed the bite 3 weeks ago...but it stopped bothering him and was looking like it was getting better...but hadn't looked at it for a while and this Mom was quite shocked when I saw that leg this morning.

Stay away from ticks!! We never saw the tick...only a bite that we thought was a spider bite...
Adventures in Parenthood continues to be quite a trip!?!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Carolyn & Dan!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Birthday Girl

Today is your birthday!!!! da da da da da da Today is your birthday!!!! Hope you have a great day, Julia!!! We love you!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ode to Steve

Your life began with a purpose,
To educate the minds of third graders
Task completed you were sent to a new home
To rest and tease feline invaders

Green Lake took us away from you
Two nights alone, We were dummies
We had no idea our cats would conspire
And now you reside in their tummies.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jamaica Article

Hello! Here's an article telling more about our trip to Jamaica. Looks like I may be co-directing the trip next year! Check it out if you have time.

Peace & Love,
Carolyn (& Dan)

Friday, July 13, 2007

What a babe!!!

Here is the bathing beauty at swimming class!! Most beautiful looking one there, I think.
Way to go Mom!!

Pioneer Store Back in Business!!! Woohoo!!

Hi family!!

If you haven't already heard, check the link out!!!;jsessionid=F6BB1E1A14C0716A07AEAE178061328E?contentId=3660019&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

I am hoping the link works!! The link will take you to news coverage from Fox 6. The Pioneer Store in Door County is back and open for business! Yeah!! And what's so awesome is that the new building looks amazingly identical to the original!!

Thought everyone would love to hear the good news about this.

5 weeks until Door County!!! Aren't you excited!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful summer. Love and hugs to all!

-Meghan :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

THEY HAVEN'T CHANGED A BIT! (This really was the only picture that I had of BOTH of them)

Monday, July 09, 2007


Birthday Boy

Happy birthday, J-Boy!!
You don't look a day over 46!!
Hope you have a great day!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Speaking of simpatico...

Debbie, and the rest of you, make sure you check out the 4th of July story on my blog.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

What are the chances???

O.K. so I'm at my friend's house (yes I have a friend, well... she is actually the mother of one of Maggie's friends and a neighbor, but I do also consider her a friend)...she is a Reggae fan...I happen to mention that my nephew's band, Nat*y Nat*on, is back together and playing.

As I am saying this my cell phone in my pocket rings and I look at the caller ID and there is a picture of Aaron!! I like..."oh my's my nephew!!! - Hello???"...

Well it ended up being Deboe Blue Jean... saying..."Are you coming??"

I said..."Deboe...this is BETSY!!"

She thought she was calling Carolyn...and got me.

It was a short conversation...but I am still in awe that Aaron's phone called my phone at the moment I am talking about him...