Your life began with a purpose,
To educate the minds of third graders
Task completed you were sent to a new home
To rest and tease feline invaders
Green Lake took us away from you
Two nights alone, We were dummies
We had no idea our cats would conspire
And now you reside in their tummies.
Steve...may you rest in pieces, er..peace. And to think I never even got a chance to meet him.
Great poem and picture. A nice tribute to the best named crayfish ever!
Chrissie, at 12:13 PM
I was truly touched by your sensitivity, Betsy. I am humbled by your empathy for one of God's creatures. A real tribute. I am moved to make a brief poem to honor our departed, Ishy:
For six long years, you pooped and peed with fancy Purdy, till from the fishbowl, she(he)was freed.(euphemism)
To our amazement, YOU made it to
And happily for you (and us), you now are in heaven. (or else the sewer system)
None of those years were ever rushed,
until the day that you were flushed! R.I.P. Ishy!
Joannie, at 6:15 PM
Now we know where Lindsay found her gift for words!!!
We know that Ishy, Steve & Purdy are truly in a better place!!
betsyjane, at 7:04 PM
I had to find out from the BLOG?????
I sense a twisted joy in all of your secret pet-hating poems.
But I like them very much.
Lindsay, at 7:39 PM
I saw "ode to steve" and the bit about green lake and just naturally assumed it was Steve Ashburn (The sound technician at green lake that had to leave the conference early due to his wife's health complications) This changed the meaning of the poem for me quite a bit. I get it now. Rest in peace steve. He's goin up to that big heat lamp in the sky.
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