Campaign Exhaustion
Fellow jigglers,
We are off to a great campaign, and have made huge strides in our organizational tactics. Thanks especially to the queens of you know who you are for all you have contributed to the cause. Due to an extremely busy agenda, and jetlag after seeing the Queen, I might not be able to keep up the frantic pace of the past week or so. The family is adjusting well to all the hubbub, so no worries there. They will hop on the band wagon as they feel the urge. It is very difficult to maintain the status quo of preschool teacher/mom, and to know on the inside that I am running for president. I have chosen not to divulge the movement at this time. (might get sticky at work, especially after all the jello) So, keep the faith, just know that I have been a bit under the weather, and have a busy schedule ahead. Many have suffered a setback with the loss of our beloved Badgers. Therefore, we need to pace ourselves for a long campaign. So let's think of an ideal, such as a freestanding jello parfait monolith. It bends, but does not break. It is diverse, yet whole. As long as it is not to hot, it will not dissolve. If we keep our eye on the prize, we will persevere. Keep the faith, and keep jigglin'!
We are off to a great campaign, and have made huge strides in our organizational tactics. Thanks especially to the queens of you know who you are for all you have contributed to the cause. Due to an extremely busy agenda, and jetlag after seeing the Queen, I might not be able to keep up the frantic pace of the past week or so. The family is adjusting well to all the hubbub, so no worries there. They will hop on the band wagon as they feel the urge. It is very difficult to maintain the status quo of preschool teacher/mom, and to know on the inside that I am running for president. I have chosen not to divulge the movement at this time. (might get sticky at work, especially after all the jello) So, keep the faith, just know that I have been a bit under the weather, and have a busy schedule ahead. Many have suffered a setback with the loss of our beloved Badgers. Therefore, we need to pace ourselves for a long campaign. So let's think of an ideal, such as a freestanding jello parfait monolith. It bends, but does not break. It is diverse, yet whole. As long as it is not to hot, it will not dissolve. If we keep our eye on the prize, we will persevere. Keep the faith, and keep jigglin'!
All you have to do is call, and I'll be there yeah, yeah, yeah, oh aint it good to know that you've got jigglin' friends? (and family) We're ready when you are, madam president elect.
Chrissie, at 8:31 AM
Slow and steady will finish the race. Just like getting ready on a date night...we don't want to peak too early. Once again you have shown your incredible leadership skills in knowing when to slow the Jiggling so we don't fall over and turn into splashed, sticky, unorganized jelloheads.
Thank you Queen Presidentay!!
betsyjane, at 8:40 AM
Your "comments" have inspired me once again. I was feeling a little like the "day after" the 2004 election. .. like our candidate was giving up before the fight was fought, but NO! LIKE IT OR NOT, she's going to be in it. . . as long as we can keep propping her up (think toothpicks in falling Jello).
YES, I do admit to some exhaustion myself. . . (my butt hurts from sitting at this stupid computer). . .
and it's HARD trying to be funny! HOW DOES DON DO IT?
So if Joannie really is ready to throw down the jauntlet, I suppose we must let her. Otherwise,
DebbieJeanLimon, at 10:50 AM
Fellow Jigglists,
I'm a bit concerned that this all stemmed off of our criticisms of our current presidents speech difficulties. While i was out for dinner with my mother and commander-in-chief-to-be, she was talking about sexism in times of past, and was upset that they didn't have "Ginder noodle" [gender neutral] terms like we do now. Will the media start coining "Weinberg-isms" or "Joanne-speak" which will undermine our campaign? Something must be done.
Yeah, and I hadn't had a drop to drink, either. Mum's the word.
Joannie, at 12:59 PM
Hey, that's all Water over the bridge!! As long as they think that Joannie really knows the real metaphor and that she is just trying to be humorous...we'll have nothing to worry about!!
Our other tactic would be to all start using Joannie-isms in our daily speak so that it enters the jargon of the day and is not noticable. I have an idea...
betsyjane, at 2:36 PM
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