posted by DebbieJeanLimon at 4:13 PM
But do they like jello?
By Chrissie, at 5:42 PM
Focus Debbie...we don't have time for frivolity?? Freedom is at stake and your talking basketball!??!! Is there a J in Basketball?? I think not...(Although there can be jiggling when they drive up and down the court. It is pretty cool...)
By betsyjane, at 6:13 PM
On Sunday, when the other number 1 team in America (sucky Ohio), meets our beloved Badgers on THEIR court, we will be at a surprise birthday party for Kathy Otterson (my best friend) with a bunch of music majors, who care not a wit about basketball. Is there no God? How will I hold my marriage together?Where is Freedom in this? Joannie - Can you help?
By DebbieJeanLimon, at 8:58 AM
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But do they like jello?
Chrissie, at 5:42 PM
Focus Debbie...we don't have time for frivolity?? Freedom is at stake and your talking basketball!??!! Is there a J in Basketball?? I think not...
(Although there can be jiggling when they drive up and down the court. It is pretty cool...)
betsyjane, at 6:13 PM
On Sunday, when the other number 1 team in America (sucky Ohio), meets our beloved Badgers on THEIR court, we will be at a surprise birthday party for Kathy Otterson (my best friend) with a bunch of music majors, who care not a wit about basketball.
Is there no God?
How will I hold my marriage together?
Where is Freedom in this?
Joannie - Can you help?
DebbieJeanLimon, at 8:58 AM
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