To Wrap Up a Whirlwind Week (say that 5 times fast!)
Thank you to all of the supporters for the flattering(?) offerings to define our campaign. Okay, let's sum up the varied symbolic images that have come to the forefront in the last few days: In the whirlwind of creativity, we want to hone down our final product that appears to keep us focused yet open, sincere, and yet willing to stoop/pander/grovel to anything/anyone to get them on board. Are we in agreement so far? In our blogstorming sessions, these are the images/sponsors that are shaping our cause:
Swollen Fingertips
Anything that jiggles
8 layer jello(this might be a campaign crusher, Deb, but I have never topped 8. Not that I couldn't, I believe. But we need to stick with the facts. That little slip might cost the election)
Homer's Jiggle for Justice
Rubber band guy with tree frog fingers
Nascar(those cheaters!)(Is scandal good or bad?)
Multilayered Rainbow Onion
So, in gleaning from the above images, I sense that we are moving toward a campaign whose main message might be:
"It doesn't matter if you look TOO colorful(or are in the wrong order), wiggly, smelly on the outside, or have little ears, or drive a souped up race car. If you strip away each layer, you will find, that underneath it all, we are all just masses of uncoagulated
gelatin just waiting to be LOVED. In our coalition, we will accept anyone at any stage, who is willing to congeal his/her ideals into the tenets of the Jiggler Party. You need not be a professional jiggler, and the size doesn't matter. Just unleash your restraints, release your inner wobbles, unearth the groundswell from under those swollen fingertips, jump on Carolyn's homemade platform of lumber for all and ...........
(this advertisement has not officially been endorsed by the Jiggler Party at this time, and has been supported by an unknown jiggler who wishes to remain anonymous)
God, I knew we chose the right person!! Way to sum it all up and say exactly what I was thinking! I think we are off to an amazing start, but I don't want to call the Today Show just yet. Let's let the jiggler groundswell do its thing, and jiggle us into the lime or lemonlight. Strawberry banana is also very good. One very important thing that we haven't even brought up yet...
Running mate??????
Chrissie, at 11:28 AM
Jesse Jackson?
And just who are these ANONYMOUS people? We can have no wafflers. No Flipfloppers. "The times they are a changin and if you're not with us. . . you're like a fallen jello, (with which I am quite familiar) which has no form, no life, no reason to be. Just a runny, mess of nothing. Yep, that's what I'd call anyone who chooses to remain anonymous. . a runny, mess of nothing.
Get on the boat! We're about to sail and you're about to sink (into a runny mess of nothing). Joannie needs Jumpin and Jivin - not runny and messy. Join us! Join the Jumpin and Jivin Jigglers for Joannie's Justice. . . and Jesse Jackson?
DebbieJeanLimon, at 9:20 PM
I actually cried when I read your stirring (not too hard) words. It's like you took a recipe and gently coaxed it to perfection, layering each thought with profound and yet simple words which each stood on their own, not mixing or blending but firm and solid.
You make us Jigglers want to Jump for Joy!
DebbieJeanLimon, at 9:27 PM
Jiggling for Joannie just seems genuinely justified by the joining of the justice seeking jigglers who are jumping for joy around the globe. She needs a partner who will join her crusade for truth, jusice and the american way...(and whose name begins with J)...
John & Jan
Jumpin Julia
Jimmy Dick
Jesse Jackson
Joan Jett
Janet Jackson
Janice (Yeh like totally from the muppets)
Aunt Jemima
Jackie Chan
Jerimiah (who was a billfrog)
The main question we must ask???
betsyjane, at 10:05 AM
And don't forget:
Mittens JOANNE
Speckles JANE
Cuddles JOANNE
Cuddles JOE (after sex change)
Taffy JANE
Of course they are all deceased, but we can appeal to their heavenly support. . . which opens up a whole new world of thinking. . .
Wait, they can't vote, never mind.
P.S. Jeremiah was a BULLfrog, not a billfrog.
DebbieJeanLimon, at 1:56 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Jesus!
That way you can get the fundy Christians on board. We need to start thinking like Carl Rove people!!!
Plus...we have to counter balance the gay friendly rainbow jello with a more MORAL running mate. I think Jesus may be the only way! The only way to the White House is through Jesus!
And I'm the one not at Church this morning!
Din Din Jo Jo, at 9:44 AM
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