"Johns" for Joannie?
I don't think we have to worry about the support of the men. Somehow I think the "Jiggle for Joannie" campaign is going to win them over.
The only man I'm worried about is the one who undoubtedly has had only two things on his mind since these rumors of running have surfaced.
#1. Shoveling.

#2. Mowing.

My dad's brain is 2% sappiness, 3% bicycling, 10% comedy routine/movie/newspaper column quotes, 15% fart jokes, 30% musical knowledge, and 40% yard maintenence.
The only man I'm worried about is the one who undoubtedly has had only two things on his mind since these rumors of running have surfaced.
#1. Shoveling.

#2. Mowing.

My dad's brain is 2% sappiness, 3% bicycling, 10% comedy routine/movie/newspaper column quotes, 15% fart jokes, 30% musical knowledge, and 40% yard maintenence.
Heck, the National Guard could do the yard work after Joannie brings them back from Iraq!!
betsyjane, at 4:51 PM
Right.... I think that's his fear. You don't know how much it means to him.
Lindsay, at 4:54 PM
I'm interested in how you got those figures. Was there an anatomical study? Perhaps it was more of a anthropological cataloging of off-hand comments and unintentional glances. However it was, the numbers seem to be incredibly accurate.
I must interject that the previous comments were made from the offspring of the aforementioned. While I can support the breakdown of percentages, I must state that there are a number of categories that have been omitted, all of which deal with body functions in some way or another. I don't believe it would be "prudent" to go into detail at this point (don't want to be taken out of context), but suffice it to say, all mowing, shoveling,biking, being a sappy musical quoter and NO healthy body function makes Don an unhappy camper! And women, you have no idea how his new ground maintenance duties will raise his stature among the male population! Some (not all) will be very envious. I can't wait to see him edge the lawn!!!
Joannie, at 8:04 AM
WELCOME HOME LINDSAY AND JESSE! I was afraid that we were going to have a "first children" problem not unlike the bush kids, but I knew deep down that when needed you both would be there for your mama.
BUT, I personally think we are all being a little too hard on our First Husband/Father He's a gentle, kind soul who could be easily hurt by these innocent yet grain of truth comments. Humor can sometimes hurt and I'm not entirely sure that he understands this concept. As long as we can keep this all in the family, we'll be alright, but once the press gets ahold of it, he could be devastated. The last thing we need now is for our candidate to pull out because of "personal" reasons. (children take note - your every move will be scrutinized)
Our Donny deserves the best support we can give him. Who else to handle the NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE once we're "in"? I know he'd prefer to be the "SINGING LAWN GUY", but he knows he'll have to step up. CAN HE DO IT? YES HE CAN! (sorry, we're doing a construction unit at school right now and I've got Bob the Builder on my mind. hmmmmm - DON THE DO-ER?, DON THE DRAFTER?, DON THE DOUGHNUT?, no, that's not right. We'll think of something.
DebbieJeanLimon, at 9:25 AM
But where's JULIA?
DebbieJeanLimon, at 2:28 PM
She can't vote!!
betsyjane, at 6:06 PM
Yes, she can. In 2008.
Lindsay, at 10:42 PM
My apologies...how can Julia Katherine be old enough to vote???? Now I'm feeling really old!!
So Debbie's comment sticks...where oh wherefore art thou Julia???
betsyjane, at 9:49 AM
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