It's hard to pass up a chance to fly for free, and stay for free in Orlando Florida...so the kids and I traveled to Florida and spent a day lounging/swimming with the Klossowski's at their condo...then a day at the Disney's Magic Kingdom and a day at Disney-MGM Studios... Where your dreams come true...(Unless you're dreaming of short lines and cheap prices!!)
Sorry these pictures are so small... can't seem to get them bigger...here's a good one...

Looks like you had a fabulous, fun and busy time! The pictures are great, Bets. You did a great job capturing the experience. Wow, those plane accommodations look a lot nicer than Northwest Airlines that I flew in April! Glad that you were able to take advantage of Pat's benefits at the airport. A great memory for the kids, and lifelong friends with Tyler and family.
Joannie, at 9:04 AM
Oh I'm so very glad that you guys did that! I'm so jealous! It looks like the kids and you are just in Heaven. What a wonderful perk for Pat to be able to give to you guys! I LOVED every picture and can just imagine what fun it was. CONGRATS!
By the way, please don't tell my kids. They truly believe that they are the only ones who haven't been to Disneyworld, so now this will confirm it.
Hey Joannie, remember the Mousketeer girl doll that you got when Dad came back from a trip? And I got Mickie Mouse ears! (Yeah I know, I already had some)
Who's the Leader of the Club that's made for you and me ?
M - I- C - K - E - Y - M- O - U- S -E
Mickey Mouse, DONALD DUCK, Mickey Mouse, DONALD DUCK . . . Forever let us hold our banner high high! high! high!
Come along and join our song and join our Jamboree:
M-I -C- K -E- Y M -O- U- S- E!
DebbieJeanLimon, at 10:53 PM
I'll apologize for this, but it's just so funny that I came across this right before I read your post. (I wouldn't show this to the kids)
A very different Mickey Mouse
Just a painful reminder of how powerful symbols can be, especially to children.
Hope I didn't sour your whole Disney experience. It looks like it was so much fun! I'm sure it was a welcomed respite.
Carolyn and Aaron can sleep well knowing that none of the Weinberg kids have been either. (Lindsay did you go at some point? I can't remember) Oh well. I'll just settle for the "Disney Sing-a-longs" my friend Matt holds here every few weeks. You don't have to ask me twice to hear my Gaston impersonation.
Oh Jesse,
i love you dearly but for the life of me I can't see one single funny thing in that video. Except for maybe that Mickey looks like he has the mumps and keeps holding his cheek.
I guess I'm just too close to the concept of how MUCH power we adults have over our children's beliefs and how SACRED that trust is. I spend my days worrying that I might have used sexist language or inadvertently said a racist comment, or that I interfered with the natural development of their artistic and musical talents, etc.
This is just an abomination. Beyond all rational thought that people would use kids that way. When Mickey is pretending to hold a rifle it just sickened me.
OK. I'm done. Sorry Jesse. Too close to home I guess.
Love ya lots,
DebbieJeanLimon, at 10:46 AM
No Jesse, I've never been to Florida either. The pictures do look fun!
Debbie, I don't think Jesse was saying the video is funny; I think he was just pointing out the juxtaposition of seeing the video right before learning that the Kelnhofers went to Disneyworld. He says it's painful, which is how I feel too. I'm also just amazed that they use Mickey Mouse, who is the most recognizably American character of all, to spread anti-American sentiment. To me that is telling of the real power of Disney; whoever produced that show thought "of course this guy will be fun for the kids" and didn't even consider the trademark they were showcasing. But even if it hadn't been Mickey, what a horrifying show.
Lindsay, at 11:58 AM
My take was, that when Jesse said he thought it funny, he meant odd or a coincidence. There is nothing funny about it, as I'm sure anyone would agree. I sure hope so! Jesse, what did you mean?
Joannie, at 12:47 PM
I am certain that Jesse meant funny as in a strange coincidence!!
I think this video is an awful abuse of trust to teach young children such hate. I'm certain it was deliberate and yet quite ironic that they would choose the Mickey Mouse Character to imitate.
Disney World is Magical. Messages about dreaming and not giving up on your dreams are persistant themes. Every SINGLE EMPLOYEE is friendly, kind, and patient. ESPECIALLY the characters!! They are keenly aware of the children and speak (or communicate) kindly and directly to them.
Disney World is Capitalism at its finest/worst. After every ride there is another chance to spend money on ride related souveniers. Everything is VERY expensive, but Everything is done well. No skimping. You get what you pay for.
I'm not totally thrilled with all the messages that are (hopefully) inadvertantly sent to children. Messages about being princesses who need rescuing, gender specific everything... etc.
But it was fun to see this magical world through the eyes of a 6 & 8 year old. They also had to continue to learn the leason that they were not going to get a whole lot of souveniers. They really needed to think about what they wanted.
I'm glad we went. I'm very glad that I live in America and that we have such a fair, honest and loving family!!
betsyjane, at 1:41 PM
OH MY GOSH! You are so right Lindsay!
I just saw the word funny and misread it.
LOVE, Again,
Debbie Jean Stupid
P.S. I HATE MAY - EVERYTHING I touch has turned to dust today. And it's only 2 o'clock.
DebbieJeanLimon, at 1:56 PM
NOT TRUE!! You fixed my little pictures!!
Too bad things aren't turning to gold!!!
betsyjane, at 12:07 AM
Now i see how easily my comment was misinterpreted. Sorry guys! I just meant that it was coincidental. What is it about May? Geez.
Again, really sorry Jesse - MY BAD.
Love ya a whole lot,
Your loving and adoring Auntie Deboe
DebbieJeanLimon, at 5:31 PM
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