Go Go Go Julia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight was the last night of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and it was a very well done show with a young cast. The sets were amazing, and all built at school, with the exception of a French Cafe backdrop for "Those Canaan Days". Joseph was quite good, which helped of course, and the narrator was pretty good, but with a limited range. For all the high notes, she dropped down a third("We all dream a lot," but not the high note for lot, which really bugged me) Anyhow, the pit was really good, and drove the whole show. Remember, there is no dialog, so the pit is playing for the entire show. I was very proud of Julia and Leslie and Libby and Hannah Grade for doing their part. This picture was displayed with the other pit-sters in the lobby. As we all know, the show would be nothing without the PIT!!! You girls rule!
I don't believe it. I completely forgot about that show, even with that wonderful invite from the darling girls. I am truly sorry. It would have been a wonderful time and I know that your work on it was exceptional - because anything you two do always is! I love that musical and should have been more deliberate about making the time to get the tickets and BE THERE!
Please remember darling family that if you haven't heard from me in this type of situation, I've FORGOTTEN. If I cannot make something I will let you know A.S.A.P. Hopefully I never mess up again, but remember. . . it's me. I suck at dates and planning. Ask anyone who knows me. I function pretty well in the world as long as I only focus on about one week. Calendars don't help, written reminders don't help, BUT VERBAL REMINDERS usually do help. Again, I WOULD NEVER INTENTIONALLY JUST MISS A SHOW! By the way, when is Bradley's show?
Much love and a plea for great understanding, (let's face it - it's totally our loss),
Deboe Jean Stupid
DebbieJeanLimon, at 1:12 PM
Nice picture Julia! You look beautiful. I'm sorry I missed the show. I hope you and Leslie and your friends had a good time. It sounds like you really made the show happen! You'll have to play me some licks when I am home some time. Michael from my band just saw this picture and said, "What? You have a sister who plays the clarinet who isn't down here playing with us?" Someday you'll have to swing with us. I love you!
Lindsay, at 2:21 PM
When did my kid sister turn into a beautiful young woman? I'm so proud to hear what an excellent job you did holding your part down. Sorry I couldn't make it, but Grant's Junior Recital was this weekend and I just couldn't miss it. Love you lots.
The pit was wonderful. Julia you do look beautiful in this picture. You have a picture perfect embouchure. (FYI- it took me 15 minutes to find the right spelling for that!!)
Thank you, Julia and Leslie for all your hard work. Ryan & Maggie really enjoyed the show!!
Not me so much but they did. (Just kidding - it was well done and we all enjoyed it!!)
betsyjane, at 12:07 AM
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