What's up??
Hi all! Life is a little bit back to normal after Nadja returned to Germany. She has emailed us to thank us again and say that it is nice to be back with her family and friends. Last week was a difficult week as we learned that a classmate of Bradley's, who was not a close friend but was in the play that is in rehearsal now, ended his own life by hanging. It was a difficult time, especially because school was not in session, but the world of IM and email was a big help in keeping Bradley connected with his friends. He went to the memorial service with his friend Adam and Adam's dad, and he was glad that he did. Never could I imagine as a parent having to deal with this with a 13 year old! Apparently this boy had years of therapy and treatment, but was bipolar and he just couldn't cope. It is so terribly sad. We are all appreciating each other a great deal right now.
I've got to go now, but just wanted to touch base with everyone, and assure Betsy that someone is still reading the blog and blogging, too! Hope to see you all soon!
I've got to go now, but just wanted to touch base with everyone, and assure Betsy that someone is still reading the blog and blogging, too! Hope to see you all soon!
Thanks for Blogging!! I was getting sick of signing on and seeing the same thing!!
I'm looking forward to Bradley's
betsyjane, at 5:29 PM
Dear Everyone,
I'm just so sad to hear about this tragedy. I know that he was not a close friend, but such a tragic and senseless event at such a young age is very hard for ANYONE to understand, let alone at Bradley's age. My heart just breaks for EVERYONE involved and all the kids at his school.
Suicide is such a "no one wants to talk about it" subject.
Please tell Bradley that I am one person he CAN talk to about it, anytime, no matter how long from now it is - OK? The silence around Claud's death was just torture for me. Even at her funeral it was more like she'd died from some ailment. . . not her own hand. And she was an ADULT. No one ever wants to talk about it though. Do you remember that Joannie wrote a poem about Claud? That meant a lot to me.
This is all just . . . so sad. Also, Aaron's 24 year old muscian friend hung himself about 2 years ago. He was diagnosed with MS and couldn't play guitar anymore. LIke that was all he could do? A sweet, talented boy who left a loving, miserable family behind.
Life is really much better as an adult. I guess we really need to TELL kids this. They have to be told that there is some hope that things WILL improve. But everything is so exaggerated when you are at that young emotional age. This child just sounds so troubled.
May he Rest In Peace now.
My prayers are with you all.
Much Love,
DebbieJeanLimon, at 10:15 PM
Thanks for the kind, thoughtful words Deboe. I will have Bradley read them. Life goes on, and yesterday at school was ok. He was worried about how people would be, and it was pretty much normal, and I guess that is a good thing. They did have some discussion about it in just about every class, but because Jack wasn't in any of Bradley's classes, it wasn't quite so involved as in other classes.
Today the turmoil turns to having to run the mile in gym class. Is there anyone in the world who liked having to run the mile?????? I just told him to try to improve his time from last year and it doesn't matter what place you end up. Easy to say, hard to live it. As I said before, life goes on...
Chrissie, at 8:48 AM
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