This is Nadja, Leslie's exchange student from Fulda, Germany. We are having a fun time learning to communicate and learning how our two cultures are very much alike, and yet there are also many differences, like no bagels in Germany!!!! These 2-1/2 weeks will go very quickly, I'm afraid. See ya!
We are so happy to meet you, Nadja! We hope that your stay in Wauwatosa is just what you hope it will be! Enjoy your time here! I also hope that you enjoy the wonderfully fun family that you are with. (Chrissie really was a very sweet younger sister. She still is!) It will be crazy and hectic, I'm sure, but you should return to Germany with lots of warm memories of Wisconsin and the U.S.
!Hasta la vista! (I studied Spanish in high school and college)
Joannie, at 3:45 PM
Wilkommen Nadja!! Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht!! Hast Du gut geschlafen? Bist Du sat?
betsyjane, at 8:26 AM
Welcome to Wauwatosa, WI Nadja!!!!
I hope to meet you before you leave but that might not happen.
I hope you enjoy meeting all of Leslie's family!!! They are such a joy to be with!
Again, Welcome!!!!
Meghan, at 5:05 PM
Oh my Gosh you two are SO CUTE!
Welcome, Welcome WELCOME to our family Nadja! How blessed the Halversons and we are to have you visit us. Now you'll get to see what a regular American family is like. . . HA! (Really, we are pretty normal - most of the time)
I was in Germany in 1970, (I know - it was many of your lifetimes ago) and spent many beautiful days there. MANY times I felt like I was in Wisconsin! If you are fortunate to get to "up north Wisconsin" I believe that you will see many sights which will remind you of home. . . especially the trees and woods/forests. I guess that's why so many Germans settled here.
I have a million questions about Germany, but I'll just ask one: How did your country view george bush giving your Prime Minister a back rub?
Have a lovely, fun, silly, delicious, and not too hectic time with the Halversons. No matter how I try to plan it, I can't figure out a time that we can come to Milwaukee. .. . but I'll keep trying.
Guten Tag!
Deboe Blue Jean (good luck explaining that name to Nadja - I can hardly remember how I got it)
DebbieJeanLimon, at 10:28 AM
Hi Debbiejeanlimon!
First I have to say that the Halversons are a great family and it makes a lot of fun to stay with them.
In Germany most of the people don`t like gerorge bush and that`s why most of us just laughed about the back rub.
I hope you can understand what I have written because my english isn`t very good.
tschuess Nadja
Chrissie, at 11:08 AM
Your English was just great. . . especially the part about geroge bush. This event was just so. . . well. . . awful that I'm quite relieved to hear that Germany was able to laugh it off. Oh, it's just SO EMBARRASSING to even think about it!
Thanks for answering so quickly and do ontinue to have a great time with the Halversons. They are lucky to have you!
Debbie Jean Limon
DebbieJeanLimon, at 8:52 PM
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