I had a 3 hour emergency (as in I couldn't stand it so they let me in just to stop the whining) ROOT CANAL! I even had to leave work, but not until I had starred as the Witch in our Teacher Play at school . . . THE BIG PUMPKIN. Oh it was a sight to be hold. . . especially the part where I was screaming with pain because of my tooth. For the record, furthest molar on the upper right - real easy to get to. . . my mouth was WIDE open for 3 hours. . . I wonder what Don would say right now if he read this. . . .
And if any of you were wondering, If and when you go to an endodontist and the Root Canal proceedure takes 3 hours, IF you find that you have to go to the bathroom and even though they have 8 million tools in your mouth, your whole mouth is encased in plastic and clamps and is completely numb, and there are 3 people working on you at once, they will let you get up and go with no difficulty! Believe me it took sheer desperation to get up the nerve to say. . . "Ah ha hu ho hu a hahoom". AND THEY KNEW WHAT I MEANT!
Soon the novacaine will wear off. . . . oh those sweet hours before the throbbing.
So, I hope that Chrissie's Birthday was much less traumatic than the Kelnhofers and the Konkols. Did you get any good presents?
Much love to Chrissie, that beautiful little girl with the PERFECT eyebrows!
Deboe Blue Jean Witch.
And if any of you were wondering, If and when you go to an endodontist and the Root Canal proceedure takes 3 hours, IF you find that you have to go to the bathroom and even though they have 8 million tools in your mouth, your whole mouth is encased in plastic and clamps and is completely numb, and there are 3 people working on you at once, they will let you get up and go with no difficulty! Believe me it took sheer desperation to get up the nerve to say. . . "Ah ha hu ho hu a hahoom". AND THEY KNEW WHAT I MEANT!
Soon the novacaine will wear off. . . . oh those sweet hours before the throbbing.
So, I hope that Chrissie's Birthday was much less traumatic than the Kelnhofers and the Konkols. Did you get any good presents?
Much love to Chrissie, that beautiful little girl with the PERFECT eyebrows!
Deboe Blue Jean Witch.
whoa, nobody ever told ME I had perfect eyebrows!! My birthday was great, although a little bitter sweet. Started the day with a tearful goodbye to Nadja. We did have a wonderful time with her here. Then I did a wee bit of shopping, went home and watched Akeelah and the Bee, (highly recommend!), did some yard work to enjoy the beautiful fall day, and then went out to dinner with my wonderful family. Opened wonderful cards and presents. Life is good, even though hectic. Thanks for all the kind wishes. You're the best family anyone could ask for! Love you all!
Chrissie, at 11:44 PM
It is absolutely impossible that you never heard Mom say that you had perfect eyebrows! That's all we heard when you came home from the hospital, (don't you remember?), and then later when you were a little girl. I remember being very jealous but also confused because I had no idea what eyebrows were supposed to look like. I STILL DON'T! Oh I mean except for yours which are as close to perfection as anyone could ever want!
Bye now, got to go look at my eyebrows. . . Scary.
Joannie, did I dream all this?
Love ya all,
DebbieJeanLimon, at 1:24 PM
Deboe and Chrissie, I think you both have beautful eyebrows. (compared to mine anyway!!!)
betsyjane, at 2:12 PM
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