So what's new...?
So what's happening, what's new in everybody's lives....
Fall is upon us and we could possibly have our first snowfall of the season tomorrow....
Hope everyone is doing well.
Fall is upon us and we could possibly have our first snowfall of the season tomorrow....
Hope everyone is doing well.
Welll, I just typed a whole long comment and then the internet lost it. I wonder where is went. Things are hectic at the Halverson house, trying to coordinate all 5 of our schedules, but we are having a wonderful time with Nadja. She is a delightful girl with a sense of humor, and she speaks English very well.
I am coming down with a cold, I'm afraid, which often happens when my schedule becomes hectic. I'll try to pamper myself, eat lots of German chocolate, and then I'll get better. Sounds like a plan I can live with!!
Chrissie, at 1:09 PM
I'm doing O.K. Ryan seems to be doing his homework and accepting school with a much better attitude lately. I am done with my step throat anti-biotic but have been dealing with bad headaches and nausia this week. On Monday I had to pull over and throw up my morning coffee. (Of course there was a woman & her dog walking by!!)
I feel like I'm pregnant, but I'm not.
Tomorrow is Pat & my 15th wedding anniversary. I'm looking forward to maybe going out for dessert or something after I put the kids to bed. Would anyone like to come over for a couple hours tomorrow night???
betsyjane, at 2:40 PM
Eric and I could possibly watch the kids. After all, his car is at your house being repaired, so he could work on his car while I watch the kids....
Give me a call if you would like to discuss this.
Meghan, at 4:11 PM
So how much longer is Nadja here in WI? I would love to have the chance to meet her if given the opportunity.
Cold and allergy season is upon us unfortunately. I was miserable last week, could not stop sneezing and blowing my nose to due to my allergies. I feel much better this week thanks to some very nice allergy medication.
Meghan, at 4:13 PM
Nadja is here until the 20th. Unfortunately our schedule is so busy. They have something planned almost every day. Stop by after school some day. She usually is here then. Probably call first. Saturday afternoon or maybe evening might be a good time also. We should be around.
Chrissie, at 5:48 PM
Um, I know that our family members are fun and all, and thanks for the invitation to come over, but don't you think you and Pat would rather celebrate your anniversary aloooone????
Lindsay, at 7:42 PM
Well, actually, Lindsay, the plan is to have loving family members come over so that Pat and I can LEAVE AND GO OUT JUST THE TWO OF US!!!See if we leave the kids alone it is very irresponsible and bad parenting.
Thanks Meghan...I have choir until it would be after the kids are in bed. I'll call you tomorrow. Thanks!!
betsyjane, at 10:45 PM
I'd like to meet Nadja too!!
betsyjane, at 10:46 PM
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