So, it seems that whenever I "comment", no one else writes for a long time. I guess I must be the best blogger/commenter ever and I must intimidate all of you right? (maybe getting you mad will get you to write?? HELLO. . . IS ANYONE OUT THERE?
Did you all see the clips of Bill Clinton taking on Chris Wallace (Fox news) for all the lies about how he hadn't gone after Bin Laden? He was SO PISSED! It was great to see a Democrat really fighting back.
Have any of you seen Studio 60/Sunset Strip by the guys who did West Wing (with many of the same actors - Bradly Whitford, Matthew Pery, etc. ). It's like backstage at Saturday Night Live. I really liked it.
Betsy, hope that the party goes well!
Can you tell that I'm done with my Parents Go to School Nights? YEAHHHHH!
LOVE ya all,
Deboe B. J.
Did you all see the clips of Bill Clinton taking on Chris Wallace (Fox news) for all the lies about how he hadn't gone after Bin Laden? He was SO PISSED! It was great to see a Democrat really fighting back.
Have any of you seen Studio 60/Sunset Strip by the guys who did West Wing (with many of the same actors - Bradly Whitford, Matthew Pery, etc. ). It's like backstage at Saturday Night Live. I really liked it.
Betsy, hope that the party goes well!
Can you tell that I'm done with my Parents Go to School Nights? YEAHHHHH!
LOVE ya all,
Deboe B. J.
I'm feeling the same way about commenting. Sometimes I feel like I jinx it or something. Anyway, I haven't watched that show yet but now I will try to. I also just heard about Bill Clinton. I will have to find it and watch it online. Why can't he run again? I'd vote for him. Talk to y'all later. Love Chrissie
Chrissie, at 2:04 PM
But Chrissie, I wrote a whole thing about 9/11 after you so beutifully brought it all up. (You are not a jinx). I was rather late with my comment, but I WAS WATCHING the 9/11 rebroadcast in REAL TIME that whole day - while doing filing for school. Did you see my comment? It was rather long, (so unlike me) but that day really was an eyeopener for me. Oh yes, that show is on tonight!
Much love,
DebbieJeanLimon, at 2:41 PM
Oh yes, I did see that. It was great as was everybody's memories. Thank you! I thought that was a pretty good conversation starter, if I do say so myself. I was talking more about how there are such long gaps between blogs and very few comments, and you don't know if people are reading them or not. You'd think we all had lives or something! But I think we will settle into some sort of rhythm with this blog, just not sure when or how it will happen. I guess I'll just go with the flow. YADAYADAYADA...
Love Chrissie
Chrissie, at 9:20 PM
Sorry to all of you... I haven't had the energy to write too much. I feel overwhelmed with my new children's choir getting off the ground, and adjusting to the new year with CCNS, etc. Please know that I do read your blogs and enjoy them a lot. Up til now I just don't have the energy or time to feel very creative. Again, I'm sorry for not contributing more!
Joannie, at 2:49 PM
I sometimes feel like a loser after I post something...so then I don't want to post for while. Same with comments. Somedays I just don't feel like talking/typing, or I just can't think of anything to say.
betsyjane, at 3:02 PM
Same here with me.
There at times where I just can't think of anything creative to write about so then I don't blog period.
I love reading what everyone writes about though!!!
Meghan, at 5:02 PM
Ditto everyone's comments.
I like new posts though because I have no idea what y'all are doing up in Wauwatosa. What new children's choir? I'd love to stay informed through this blog.
Lindsay, at 6:43 PM
YIKES! As my dear sister Joannie would say. . . (so now I say it regularly). OF COURSE that's exactly how I feel too. Many times I can barely find time to READ the blog once a week. . . let alone actually write something. As always, I am one person who TOTALLY GETS how hard September is. THIS year has been brutal for me. Only six months ago my life changed so dramatically and for reasons I don't understand, everything is harder now.
I was just needling you all. 9/11 hit me especially hard this year too, so I was curious about how others felt reading what I'd written.
I really was just teasing. . . (it worked so well for our Aunts. . . when will I learn?)
Love ya all a LOT,
DebbieJeanLimon, at 7:48 AM
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