Well said, Betsy. Yesterday surely was odd. I saw no one from my family, except taking Dad to church, and even then I didn't sit with him because I had been at the first service and Joannie was taking him home. The whole day was just off for me. That's the best way to describe it. Jim and the kids were great, but something was missing...Mom.
Ditto!! It was a difficult day - I shed some tears at church and it definitely felt "off". Now looking back on it, I really missed being with the family yesterday. Mother's Day was always one of those unplanned times together...
Here's my two cents worth, a little late: She was a terrific Mom who always took time to listen, and always genuinely showed interest in us and our lives. I miss that so much. Even in her Alzheimer's state, she cared and affirmed. While directing the children's choir on Sunday, I looked up at the power point, saw the picture of 5 year old me with Mom, and started to well up with tears. Almost lost it, but made it through. I did feel a void, also, but I attributed it in part to Lindsay in New York, Julia in Point, and not getting together with family. Jesse took us out for brunch which was great, and for supper, we were at WKs, which was very nice. Both Ruth and Karl didn't show up, so it was us with Helen and Paul, and Dave's brother Fred and wife. It was a wonderful meal. I felt bad about not seeing Dad, but had him over last Thursday, and then on Monday. He seemed in good spirits. But it made me realize that for me and all of us, Mother's Day will be different from now on. What a great, sweet picture of Mom, Debbie!
Deboe, thank for finding a nice picture of our Mom. She really did make us all feel "at peace" and always loved unconditionally.
I sure do miss you Mom.
I know you are happier and more comfortable in heaven, so Happy Mother's Day!
betsyjane, at 8:15 AM
Well said, Betsy.
Yesterday surely was odd. I saw no one from my family, except taking Dad to church, and even then I didn't sit with him because I had been at the first service and Joannie was taking him home. The whole day was just off for me. That's the best way to describe it. Jim and the kids were great, but something was missing...Mom.
Chrissie, at 2:01 PM
DebbieJeanLimon, at 2:32 PM
Ditto!! It was a difficult day - I shed some tears at church and it definitely felt "off". Now looking back on it, I really missed being with the family yesterday. Mother's Day was always one of those unplanned times together...
Love y'all!!
betsyjane, at 6:33 PM
Here's my two cents worth, a little late: She was a terrific Mom who always took time to listen, and always genuinely showed interest in us and our lives. I miss that so much. Even in her Alzheimer's state, she cared and affirmed. While directing the children's choir on Sunday, I looked up at the power point, saw the picture of 5 year old me with Mom, and started to well up with tears. Almost lost it, but made it through. I did feel a void, also, but I attributed it in part to Lindsay in New York, Julia in Point, and not getting together with family. Jesse took us out for brunch which was great, and for supper, we were at WKs, which was very nice. Both Ruth and Karl didn't show up, so it was us with Helen and Paul, and Dave's brother Fred and wife. It was a wonderful meal. I felt bad about not seeing Dad, but had him over last Thursday, and then on Monday. He seemed in good spirits. But it made me realize that for me and all of us, Mother's Day will be different from now on. What a great, sweet picture of Mom, Debbie!
Joannie, at 4:33 PM
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