posted by DebbieJeanLimon at 8:27 PM
Awwwwww, so cute!
By Joannie, at 7:35 AM
ok, how can lindsay look like a muppet and ben not look like a muppet?!-Julia
By Anonymous, at 8:32 AM
SO, do the rest of you see a picture of Ben and Lindsay (one of their engagement pics) on this site? Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. . .
By DebbieJeanLimon, at 11:41 AM
Yes I see it in this post, and the original is on Lindsay's blog.
By Chrissie, at 11:48 AM
I can see it fine, at home and at work.Yay!
By Lindsay, at 1:39 PM
Yes I see the picture. I think Ben looks more like Jim Henson actually. (or one of the 7 dwarves - must be HAPPY!!)
By betsyjane, at 6:41 PM
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Ron Don John, Jim Jan Pat Ron Don John, Jim Jan Pat Ron Don John, Jim Jan Pat Debbie Joannie Chrissie Betsy Mom and Dad (Carolyn Dan Aaron Lindsay Ben Eric Jesse Lizzie Julia Leslie Bradley Danny Nate Ryan Maggie)
Awwwwww, so cute!
Joannie, at 7:35 AM
ok, how can lindsay look like a muppet and ben not look like a muppet?!
Anonymous, at 8:32 AM
SO, do the rest of you see a picture of Ben and Lindsay (one of their engagement pics) on this site? Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. . .
DebbieJeanLimon, at 11:41 AM
Yes I see it in this post, and the original is on Lindsay's blog.
Chrissie, at 11:48 AM
I can see it fine, at home and at work.
Lindsay, at 1:39 PM
Yes I see the picture. I think Ben looks more like Jim Henson actually. (or one of the 7 dwarves - must be HAPPY!!)
betsyjane, at 6:41 PM
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