It WasTwenty (Three) Years Ago Today!
On June 18, 1985, at 8:07 p.m. for the first time, the world welcomed a new voice. Jesse Alexander Weinberg sang his first song, and we are grateful to this very day! Happy Birthday, Jess! We love you!
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For future reference, please preview the photos below, so as not to get them confused.
Jesse Alexander

Not one of these:

Happy Birthday Jesse!! You haven't changed a bit!! Was this your first attempt at the counter tenor vocal range?
betsyjane, at 9:12 PM
Happy Belated Birthday Jesse!! Just so you know, I never have gotten you confused with a salamander. A few other creatures perhaps, but never a salamander. Hope you had a great 23rd birthday!!!
Chrissie, at 8:39 AM
Oh Sweet Jesse,
As was stated in that famous song, you are NOT a salamander. That creature is just way too slimy and ugly. YOU on the other hand are clean and cute!
How could all these years have gone by so fast? Does anyone remember just HOW MUCH AARON LOVED JESSE when he was little? Aaron would CRY for days about how much he missed Jesse after every visit. Of course we were in Illinois and all things Wisconsin seemed AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL, but really, Aaron ADORED him. "He's just so cute Mom". Jesse you were just a great little guy from day 1 and you were and are VERY LOVED.
Sadly you have now joined the long list of birthdays I've forgotten this year. . . . When were Maggie and Ryan's birthdays? Why don't I have that written somewhere?
It sucks to be me. I'm so bad at birthdays.
HAPPY HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JESSE! We are VERY glad that you were born - whenever that was. . . and YES I KNOW THAT IT WAS JUNE 18TH. Every June 30th I usually remember.
Love ya,
Auntie Deboe
DebbieJeanLimon, at 7:15 PM
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