Bradley now has a full cast, rather than a splint, which is black (his choice, silver sharpie has gotten a workout, as you can probably tell.) He goes back in 4 weeks and if all goes well, then it will come off. No walking cast, he must stay on crutches, so that is a bummer.
TOTAL CHICK MAGNET! It's actually an attractive cast - (just like in the Wizard of Oz)
Sorry about the crutches part, but what I'm more concerned about is the fact that you've been unable to change your clothing. Isn't there some way? Maybe with help from your parents or sister?
I know, it's embarrassing, but there's got to be a way. . . .
Love ya lots,
Auntie Deboe
DebbieJeanLimon, at 1:46 PM
So funny...we wondered if anyone would notice that he was wearing the same outfit!!! Bradley wants to assure everyone that he has changed his clothes, is showering regularly, and in general is handling this whole challenge very well.
Chrissie, at 9:29 PM
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