An awesome God...
After sweeping, painting and general yard cleaning before the broker open house on Tuesday, we happened upon this lovely nest of robin eggs in the winter damaged trees in the back yard. We saw the momma, so we know they are robin eggs. As we try to close one chapter of our lives by selling the duplex, we are reminded that new life comes, regardless of our sadness and weariness. What an awesome sight. Oh great bird spirit, Joannie, what does it mean??

Come on... You colored those eggs!!!
Wow, what does it mean???
Joannie, please advise!!
betsyjane, at 4:39 PM
Carnac the Great has a question for your answer, my child.
The answer: 4 blue robin's eggs discovered among winter damaged trees.
The question:
"What would be a symbol of an era of great trials combined with the promise of new birth that can reassure four world weary pilgrims that a new day is on the horizon?"
The weird thing is: I'm really not kidding!
Maybe it was one of the 3 robins that I saw perched on one branch in front of the duplex in February when the temp. was in the teens!
Boy is that beautiful. Let's put it this way. Sounds like it was reassuring to you guys by the way you described it, no, Chrissie? And by the way, you have had several nests in your yard. Your way of receiving messages from God, maybe?
A new day is coming! Yay! That and my horoscope, and it's all good.(or else you have at least one delusional sister. I can't speak for the others.) Now I have to go get ready to take Dad to the opera. I'm due for a sign.
Joannie, at 5:43 PM
You are an angel Joannie. I hope the opera is fun for you!!
Thank you for taking him!!
betsyjane, at 8:52 PM
Joannie Carnac,
You are so wise. Thank you for your wisdom. Enjoy the opera!
Chrissie, at 9:56 PM
I went out today and found an empty eggs anywhere. I do not want to know what it means!!
Chrissie, at 7:57 PM
Your children will be leaving home before you know it?! (Empty nest....)
Sorry I only comment on positive omens! So sorry about your eggs, due to those damn wild animals who think they have the right to eat.
Joannie, at 7:37 AM
I hate nature
DebbieJeanLimon, at 10:32 AM
Debbie- that was hilarious.
Lindsay, at 2:20 PM
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