Good News/Bad News
We (or should I say Don) have been fighting the healthcare/dental HMO wars, not being able to get Jesse in to have his wisdom teeth out. They told him that they were surprised that he wasn't in excruciating pain, and that he should have them out right away. Guess what "right away" translated to? February! Everyone said that there were no openings, and this was a busy time. I guess he should have scheduled his teeth to flare up at a more convenient time! Well, the pain has continued to increase. So Don spent yesterday morning (same day that Julia left for London) fighting/pleading/being transferred, etc. He finally found a sympathetic surgical assistant to tell us that there was an opening at their other clinic on Friday at 8 am. in Kenosha! Sounds crazy, but we are thrilled! Considering the options, he will be all done in a couple days, and won't have to take off school to come home, etc. So we are going on an excursion tomorrow, and are happy about it. Don told them that we would be willing to go just about anywhere in the state, so Kenosha is not bad.
Julia got off to London, and landed safely this morning at 4:30 a.m. our time, 10:30 London time. We are feeling more at peace today!
That was a copy of the email that I sent to my co-workers this morning at 11:00.
That peaceful feeling lasted a very short time. Julia called at 1pm to tell us that she had forgotten her medicine. We have been trying to no avail to get it to her. It will take until Jan. 2 for her to get it via FED EX due to the holidays, and going through customs. Well, she comes home on the 2nd! Her doctor told us that she will have to go to a doctor in London who will prescribe enough for her stay. We talked to numerous people, and so far, the latest is that her chaperones will be consulting tomorrow, and decide how to handle it. As Don said, at this point, the only thing we can do now is entrust her to the chaperones that we entrusted her to when she left yesterday. And God. I know it will all work out. I just want it to work out in the best possible way! We talked to Julia several times, and she sounded tired, but good. Tomorrow is their concert. It is a totally helpless feeling.
We are off tomorrow at 7 am to Kenosha to have Jesse's wisdom teeth pulled. Another new adventure! Keep us all in your prayers.
That was a copy of the email that I sent to my co-workers this morning at 11:00.
That peaceful feeling lasted a very short time. Julia called at 1pm to tell us that she had forgotten her medicine. We have been trying to no avail to get it to her. It will take until Jan. 2 for her to get it via FED EX due to the holidays, and going through customs. Well, she comes home on the 2nd! Her doctor told us that she will have to go to a doctor in London who will prescribe enough for her stay. We talked to numerous people, and so far, the latest is that her chaperones will be consulting tomorrow, and decide how to handle it. As Don said, at this point, the only thing we can do now is entrust her to the chaperones that we entrusted her to when she left yesterday. And God. I know it will all work out. I just want it to work out in the best possible way! We talked to Julia several times, and she sounded tired, but good. Tomorrow is their concert. It is a totally helpless feeling.
We are off tomorrow at 7 am to Kenosha to have Jesse's wisdom teeth pulled. Another new adventure! Keep us all in your prayers.
Happy New Year to all of you, and see you soon.
Love, Joannie
Love, Joannie
Many, many prayers are being sent to Julia in London and the people who will make it all better.
And more prayers heading to Kenosha, as well.
Chrissie, at 11:26 AM
And you thought it would be a peaceful, restful holiday...
Everything will work out. As a famous Beatle once said..."Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans."
It's an adventure!! Enjoy the ride!
Love, Betsy
betsyjane, at 10:18 AM
We have been blessed. Julia got to a doctor and had a prescription filled due to the blessing of a wonderful chaperone, Elaina Meier. She played in the gala concert Thursday night and saw Windsor castle yesterday. Jesse had his teeth pulled Friday morning in Kenosha and is healing nicely due to a fortunate call to the oral surgeon's assitant, Tracy. Thanks for the prayers and Happy New Year!
Anonymous, at 8:56 AM
WOAH! SO much has happened to you all since we have been gone. . . I'm so relieved to hear that it is all working out now! PLEASE send my love to Jesse and Julia and to all of you who have gone through all of this.
Hey Don - way to kick butt with the bureaucracies. Man it scares me to hear stories like this. What do people do who don't know how to "advocate" (kick butt). Thank goodness we don't have National Health Insurance or you'd have had to "wait in line for needed surgeries" - (and I'd have called this an absolute EMERGENCY - especially after having an "emergency" root canal last month).
DebbieJeanLimon, at 8:52 AM
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