posted by DebbieJeanLimon at 4:39 PM
I can't imagine what it must be like to have spent 61 years with someone else. They both deserve sainthood. Or at least some chocolate.
By Chrissie, at 8:42 AM
That is an incredibly long time. Pat would have to live to the age of 95 years and I'd be 86. Possible...but unlikely!!! How did they do it? Perhaps having PERFECT kids helped. We never gave them a day of worry.
By betsyjane, at 11:19 AM
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I can't imagine what it must be like to have spent 61 years with someone else. They both deserve sainthood. Or at least some chocolate.
Chrissie, at 8:42 AM
That is an incredibly long time. Pat would have to live to the age of 95 years and I'd be 86. Possible...but unlikely!!!
How did they do it? Perhaps having PERFECT kids helped. We never gave them a day of worry.
betsyjane, at 11:19 AM
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