Happy Holidays!
Happy St. Nick's Day for those of you that celebrate!
The CHRISTmas holiday is quickly approaching. Is it just me or does it seem like the holidays just fly be and before you know it, they have come and gone?
I hope everyone is well and enjoying the joyous holidays season thus far.
But here is a question for everyone. What is your favorite past time memory of the holidays? It can be an event, a gift or whatever else. I have been hearing this question everywhere recently - on the radio, TV and people that I know have been asking too. I still haven't come up with one yet. Still thinking of a really, really great memory and then I'll share with you all.
Well, I should get going - I am off to finish getting ready for work!!
Talk to all of you hopefully soon and *hugs* to you all!!
The CHRISTmas holiday is quickly approaching. Is it just me or does it seem like the holidays just fly be and before you know it, they have come and gone?
I hope everyone is well and enjoying the joyous holidays season thus far.
But here is a question for everyone. What is your favorite past time memory of the holidays? It can be an event, a gift or whatever else. I have been hearing this question everywhere recently - on the radio, TV and people that I know have been asking too. I still haven't come up with one yet. Still thinking of a really, really great memory and then I'll share with you all.
Well, I should get going - I am off to finish getting ready for work!!
Talk to all of you hopefully soon and *hugs* to you all!!
I remember getting home from church and my big brother John encourageing me to race in and get to to bed/sleep quickly...because Santa wouldn't leave a present if I was awake.
Then, the next morning, I remember sitting on the steps at our house on Birch Street and waiting for Mom & Dad to "fix" what Santa had brought for me. You see he'd been in a hurry and it was messy. They wanted to set it up so it looked nice before I saw it.
It was the playschool house...all set up with the Mom, Dad, kid and the dog. We just gave it away when we cleaned out the attic.
betsyjane, at 4:44 PM
So many memories. . . So many wonderful Christmases. I'll start with childhood memories and maybe add adult memories later:
- fiberglass in our hands after Joannie and I rubbed the "angel hair" on the church Christmas tree,
- coming down the stairs and finding the exact same bike that I had truly COVETTED, that my friend next door Corinne Camelio had gotten for her birthday - and it was a coincidence. . .!
- playing the game "Going to Jerusalem" with Joannie over and over and over. . .
- caroling with the Westminster choir and other church members on Christmas eve around the block on Farwell and Belleview and then coming in for cookies and cocoa.
- Joannie losing her shoe in the fireplace
- pretending to be surprised after Joannie and I had found all the gifts already. . . (WORST CHRISTMAS MORNING EVER)
- singing "Ceremony of Carols" in Boston as children in the Carol Choir and then listening to it on the radio
- opening presents knowing that the next day we'd be moving from Boston to Milwaukee, away from all my friends THE NEXT DAY
- MOM eating all of our German Chocolates from Aunt Elsie. . .
- tape recording mom swearing about Johnny taking the last coke - (a set-up and so funny)
-ABSOLUTELY LOVING seeing Christmas through Baby Betsy's eyes and being able to have Santa come to our house for a long time. ..
- junior year in H.S. and listening to Rubber Soul (Beatles) over and over all Christmas vacation
- SENIOR year in H.S. and getting a "shared with Joannie" CAR RACING SET as our main Christmas gift. . .
What a charmed and Blessed life of Christmases we Simons have had and hope to keep having. . . .
God Bless Us Everyone!
Love, Deboe
DebbieJeanLimon, at 5:15 PM
I was going to see the Nutcracker with Roberta, and I had a nutcracker pin that I wanted to wear. I couldn't find it anywhere. I looked under Mom and Dad's bed, and saw the thing I most wanted for Christmas: the game Mousetrap. I cried and cried because I had ruined my surprise, and Mom told me she'd take it back to the store and get something else so I could still be surprised. Then on Christmas morning, I got my surprise: inside the wrapping paper Mousetrap! I feel like this story is proof that my parents understand me.
There was the Christmas morning that Julia woke me up by throwing her hard-headed American Girl Doll in my face, shouting, "Merry Christmas!" and giving me a bloody nose.
Making peppermint bark with Mom for teacher gifts.
Christmas Eve at Underwood; I remember all the cookies everyone would bring, singing Night of Silence with the battery candles as the lights went off.
Dad singing the Underwood Carol in church.
Caroling with the Underwood Choir.
Charades on the infamous "When dey go home?" night with the Simon family.
Luminaria, Eggnog, The Night Before Christmas, Amahl and the Night Visitors family time every Christmas Eve with the Weinberg 5. This tradition is still in existence, and I am looking forward to it in a few weeks!
Lindsay, at 2:10 PM
I LOVED your blog entry. ESPECIALLY the reminder of Amahl and Night Visitors! THAT is one of my most vivid memories: JOANNIE AND I WATCHING IT LIVE ON TV! Mom sat us down in front of the TV (in Boston) at a very young age and we fell in love with it. We watched it every year after that.
One of my other happy memories was watching it at your parent’s apartment/duplex many years later. Dick Cavett brought it back and showed the LIVE performance from long ago on Public Television. It was SO COOL, and so much fun to see again. Did you know that after Carolyn (age 4) saw your Dad and playing the 3rd King, (the main one) in the North Shore Presbyterian Church production, (with many other Simon singers) she then proceeded to act out all the parts, putting couch pillows on her head to be the Kings. I remember that after the performance she asked your dad, “What were you thinking when Amahl didn’t answer the door?” showing that she understood that he was just pretending to be a King . . And yet. . . .
One of my favorite stories is the one where you made a new friend in Minneapolis because you were limping from some injury and this stranger came up from behind and sang “she walks, she walks. . . . “ I just think that is such a funny/touching story. I think of it every Christmas.
DebbieJeanLimon, at 5:20 PM
I always think of the time when we gave Dad his refurbished violin at Joannie & Don's in Shorewood. "I can't play anymore, I can't play anymore"..."How about silent night?"..."What key?" Too funny. That was also the night we played for the first time the Carolyn Konkol Christmas Caroliers recording, "riding at the crest of the charts" and I laughed until I cried. Now that I am thinking about that night, I hope I am remembering it correctly. Please correct me if I am combining events, which happens when one has so many memories clogging the brain. Whenever or wherever it was, it was a magical moment.
Chrissie, at 10:30 AM
Of course that is one of my favorite memories too! I even remember it as though it had a sweet, blurry, Christmasy haze - really - and it wasn't the warm apple cider! I can close my eyes and be there. Remember Joannies Christmas cookies? They were just so delicious. Everything was perfect. It was all a MAGICAL night.
Oh yeah and I consider it one of my ADULT memories which I can't even begin to get to right now. so I'm so glad that you mentioned it. Maybe next week I'll get to those? Ha Ha. . .
Oh yeah, the FUNNIEST part of that incident was that after all Dad's protesting that he could NOT play the violin anymore, he reluctantly picked up the violin, put it under his chin and when Don then asked what key they should play the carol in, he replied with great disgust, "Oh it doesn't matter, ANY key."
Love ya,
DebbieJeanLimon, at 1:02 PM
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