Start planning!!

Ok, so I am beginning to think about Door County, and will need to know who is coming and when so we can do the chart. If you know when you are coming, either make a comment here or send me an email. I am really getting excited. I'm not sure what to expect when I see where the Pioneer store was, but curiosity is getting the best of me to actually see it. And of course it will be great to just be together. I feel like it has been a long time since we have all been together.
Today is going to be a hot one, however I work in an office that is very cold (right now the thermostat says 68) so I am in long pants and a sweater. I hate having to deal with air conditioning that is too cold, but no one seems to be able to regulate it. The first floor of the building is warm, and people have fans running! Not the 2nd floor, the people are freezing! In the office next door, I see a young man and he is always wearing a fleece jacket!! And it is 98 degrees outside! Anyway, I hope everyone is finding a way to keep cool in the heat.
Hi Chrissie!!
Like we mentioned on Saturday when we saw you guys - Eric and I will be in Door County on Saturday, Sunday and Monday evenings, leaving sometime Tuesday. One of those evenings Eric and I will be off on our own to do a Fish Boil. Please let us know what we can help to bring.
Eric and I are very much looking forward to Door County. We have been anticipating a very deserved mini vacation. And besides we haven't been up there in almost three years!! Can't wait for the fun, fun, fun and seeing everyone!! (Hey that rhymed!)
Less than 12 days and counting!!!
Meghan, at 1:23 PM
Ben and I are coming the same time as Meghan and Eric; Saturday, Sunday, Monday, some of Tuesday and leaving that afternoon.
I am very excited. I have been thinking about it all the time. Part of me wants to stay longer, but there's no way I can afford to miss that much work. Damn!
See you this weekend for the bike tour!
Lindsay, at 1:34 PM
Betsy, Ryan, & Maggie all week. Possibly Pat all week if we can figure out a way to swing it.
betsyjane, at 2:55 PM
For sure, Don, Joannie and Julia all week. As for the Jessman, he is working on what days he can/can't have off. He has to be back for sure on Tuesday night for a speeding ticket appearance, so either he will go up after that, or come up at the beginning, and come home Tuesday. Not much help for planning the schedule. I'm sorry.
Joannie, at 8:37 AM to your sister Lindsay...she's the administrator and the one who "understands" what she's doing. The rest of us just kind of poke around and once we've succeeded can't quite remember how we did it!!
betsyjane, at 1:53 PM
At the bottom of the "leave your comment" page is a "sign up here" button. I'm not sure if two people can have the same email, (your mom has signed up already) but you should be able create a name and password and then post away!!
Chrissie, at 3:13 PM
I'll send an invite to your yahoo account. Heads up; if the link doesn't work in Yahoo, try copy and pasting it into a new window.
Lindsay, at 5:14 PM
Hey Linds, could you send another invite to me as well? The email address is
Anonymous, at 7:57 AM
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