Speaking of uploading pictures...Check out the real kids!!
These were from May I bel
ieve: Ryan's winning goal: (please notice that the goalie is not between the ball and the goal. The ball has just been kicked by Ryan and will land in the goal. Ryan ended up on his buttocks. )
This is beautiful Maggie Rose before her hair cut, without her glasses, and with a beautiful butterfly on her cheek (touched up by brother Ryan with
markers after it got smearing over night.)

This is beautiful Maggie Rose before her hair cut, without her glasses, and with a beautiful butterfly on her cheek (touched up by brother Ryan with

Way to go Ryan! Looks like you really can bend it like Beckham! (I have no idea what that really means, but it is about the world's best soccer player!)
Maggie, your cuteness should be bottled and sold, and the world would be a happier place!
Joannie, at 10:50 AM
Wow, those parents aren't a little bit proud are they? And well they should be! Great pictures!
Chrissie, at 1:05 PM
Such cuties!!!
Saturday night was fun - looking forward to other evenings like that!! :)
Meghan, at 1:24 PM
Both of those pictures are super great. Ryan's is cool because it's such a timely action shot, and Maggie's because she looks like the picture that comes in the frame when you purchase a new picture frame at the store. With a smeared butterfly.
Lindsay, at 9:41 PM
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