Scholastic Award -"You Talkin' to Me?"
(We went to see it yesterday at the Calatrava. Wow! She titled it (see above) and she also received a gift certificate from Artist and Display for being one of their award picks.)

Hi everyone,

Leslie has been awarded a Gold Key award for her colored pencil self portrait that was entered in the Scholastic Art Competition!!! Yea!! Her portrait will be on display at the Milwaukee Art Museum (Calatrava) until the beginning of March, and then it goes on to the national competition!! We are so proud of her!! And I know she is pretty proud of this piece, as well. She really worked a long time on it.
It is not the same as seeing it in person, but this will give you an idea of her talent:

It really is amazing. If you click on the pic and view it in a larger size, the hat looks identical to the actual one. Leslie, you have a real gift. So glad you are being recognized for it!
Joannie, at 12:18 PM
Oh MY GOD! This is amazing! I thought it was a picture at first. It is just wonderful. How big is it actually? I love the pose too. Those eyes looking out remind me so much of . . . JIM! It's that "are you serious?" look when he's amazed at a dumb question.
Oh Leslie, this is FABULOUS!
I'm so proud of you. Keep it up girl. You do have real talent.
DebbieJeanLimon, at 1:39 PM
And who knit the hat?
DebbieJeanLimon, at 1:40 PM
WOW!! That is amazing. How do you do it Leslie? Hope to get to the art museum to see it soon!!
betsyjane, at 9:22 PM
Holy crap, Les, THIS IS AMAZING!! You finally finished it and it's awesome. I showed my roommate who is an art minor and she was impressed as well! Congratulations!!
Anonymous, at 1:51 PM
Well, it's been said before, but I think it's because it's true. Leslie, this is amazing! I've never been able to draw anything like that. You are so talented in so many ways. How did you find time to develop art skills as well...and when did you find time in your schedule? I'm so impressed and I'm so glad you're being recognized!!
Peace & Love,
Carolyn, at 6:55 AM
Beautiful, Leslie. What attention to detail... I could look at that hat for hours!
Lindsay, at 8:04 AM
Wow! Leslie, you have such an amazing talent!! Such a beautiful self-potrait of yourself. Eric and I will definitely have to get to the Art Museum soon to see it! :)
Love, Meghan
MJN, at 9:37 AM
I am mega-impressed!! I have trouble drawing stick figures and am in awe of those who can replicate reality so well. I hope you continue to share your gift with the world. Thanks for brightening my day!!
Anonymous, at 10:19 AM
Oh I love this picture at the museum - You all look so proud - and RIGHTLY SO!
FYI - I dragged the bigger version of Leslie's portrait to Kodakshare, printed it out and it looks pretty good!
Not as big as the actual one though. . .
Love and Peace,
DebbieJeanLimon, at 11:59 AM
Wow, Leslie! I'm very impressed, & it looks like i'm not the only one! Sarah & i will try to come see it at the museum before it comes down. Good luck at the national competition!
Anonymous, at 12:13 PM
Well,I'm glad I finally have a reason to go to the Calatrava!!
betsyjane, at 6:04 PM
How much longer is it up there?
DebbieJeanLimon, at 2:13 PM
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