Baby You Can Drive My Car!!!!!!!!!!!

May 16, 2007, the day that Julia passed her driver's test. Hurray! We are so excited for her. Right at this very moment, she is driving alone for the first time. She's off to Walgreen's and then to Halversons to pick up a tape to watch. I am handling myself quite well, considering my neurotic self. She did very well on her test, which is so encouraging. Just look at that face. Could she be more proud? Only about 10 minutes ago, as I watched her drive down the driveway with an even wider grin!!! We are so proud of her!
Don took this with his phone. When they got into the car after waiting for an hour to take her license picture, guess what was playing? Baby You Can Drive My Car!! How great is that?
Joannie, at 4:34 PM
Congratulations Julia!!!! That's great news!!! I'm feeling really old now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old Auntie Betsy
betsyjane, at 4:44 PM
Go Julia...Go Julia...Go Julia. (You have to picture me with with both palms pumping the air skyward as I chant this!) Awesome news!!
Chrissie, at 1:55 PM
On your FIRST TRY! Well done little/big girl. How can you be that old? I cannot fathom this news. Look out world, here comes Jules. . . with wheels! Amazing!
Don and Joannie, take a deep breath, relax and remember that . . . .
I've got nothing.
LOVE, Deboe
DebbieJeanLimon, at 8:44 AM
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