thanks you guys!

I sat down for an entire 90 minutes, and watched the slide show froom beginning to end. Those sunrises and sets are absolutely amazing. Wow. I sorta feel that I was there in some small way, which is nice, considering it's six degrees outside right now. I am so happy for you all that you did it, (go on such an adventure) and that you really did it right. Thanks for sharing with us landlubbers. It brings back memories of El Salvador: the white sand, blue skies, and the smells and sounds of Central America.
I did something that is uncharacteristically out of my comfort zone. Just signing up is out of my comfort zone! Well, I have joined the Wauwatosa Pres. Mission Trip to Biloxi, Mississippi(love to type Mississippi!) from April 8th to 14th, to provide Hurricane repair/relief. We will live in these temporary villages, which seem pretty nice, and are air conditioned(weather wimp that I am).
I just have felt compelled to push myself lately, to try something on my own, to get out of my comfortable surroundings, and to experience something that will be of help to others. Thanks to Don and Julia for encouraging me, and assuring me that they will survive without my being home over Spring Break. I am scared, of course, and regretful at times, but I am going through with it, come hell or high water!(ooh, what a metaphor!) I am really looking forward to it, and also apprehensive in a good way. The people I'm going with are some that I will be comfortable with, which for me is half the battle. I'm sure there will be more to come. Probably the scariest thing for me will be the airplane trip! AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The rest will be a breeze(another metaphor). Just by mentioning it in this blog, it makes it seem real, like the first time you tell someone that you are pregnant, or introduce your partner as your husband. There you have it, folks. Konkols, and Lindsay, you have inspired me in your own way also, so thank you for helping me to expand my world, and opening me to new possibilities!
Love, Joannie
Mom that's fantastic! I'm sure you're help is so needed, and I'm really proud of you for doing something like this. Leave it to my mom to do something for herself by doing something for others. Love you lots.
Awesome! That is so exciting!! Good for you! I'm so proud of you. You're gonna be great and learn so much. You're the best. XOXOXO!
Lindsay, at 2:42 PM
Wow!! I'm totally impressed!! Not only are you signing up for a true adventure, but you posted a picture with your blog.
You truly are a new woman!!
I'm inspired to clean the poop off our van mats. O.K. no I'm not. Nevermind!!!
betsyjane, at 5:36 PM
It only took me 2 hours!!!!!!!
Now, about the poop, that really stinks, and I mean that, literally!
Glad that you went down, Kelnhofers!
But what a crappy(oops) end to a lovely day. Looking forward to hearing about it!
Joannie, at 5:57 PM
It just warms my heart to think of you sitting there watching the whole slide show. I'm so sorry that it took 90 (?) minutes! Yikes. It just flies by for me. Maybe that explains why i'm getting absolutely nothing done!
As to your trip to Biloxi, wow! Not exactly my favorite spot. I wish that our church was doing something like that. We are busy supposedly saving the children of Rwanda from AIDS and actually building a Habitat House soon. But the hurricane victims never leave my mind. I'm very proud of you for making this decision. When are the dates?
Oh dear I now realize that I have NOT mentioned that Isla Mujeres was devastated by Hurricane Wilma, right after Katrina, and that the actual village is VERY poor. We did not stay in the Hotel district, but right in the town, so we were keenly aware of the hard conditions. It was NOT just a tropical paradise at all. But as far as we could tell, it was not a STARVING OR DYING community, thanks to tourism - so we did our part and spent way to much money.
Love ya,
DebbieJeanLimon, at 7:57 AM
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