Great Book!

If anyone is looking for a great book to read, I highly recommend "The #1 Ladies Detective Agency" by Alexander McCall Smith. It takes place in Botswana, Africa and it is funny, clever, poignant, and a wonderful slice of life from the viewpoint of a very independent woman who decides to start her own detective agency. It is a very quick read, and I am already on the 5th book of the series. I find myself checking a book out of the library and finishing it in 1 or 2 days. It is very simple, yet fascinating and entertaining reading. I'm sure that not everyone will like it as much as I do, but it is definitely worth giving it a try. It is unlike anything you have read, I think. Or at least it isn't like anything I have read before. Let me know if you read it and what you think of it. And because February is coming, and is my least favorite month of the year, I am always looking for something to help the month pass, so if you know of any other books to recommend, I would love know about them.
Never heard of it! Sounds really good. Maybe this summer or spring break. . . but right now I'm reading two other books, (so neither of them get done). Thanks for the info. I always love to hear about a good book and your description intrigues me!
Love ya,
DebbieJeanLimon, at 10:11 PM
Looks interesting. I Googled the author, and it tells about him and his works. Now that I have finished Cleopatra (hurray!!!!!!!!)I shoud get started on something new. And it might not take 3 years if it's not 1000 pages.
Joannie, at 9:33 AM
Oops, leave out the stuff after I guess you have to copy and paste, but it is a good informational site. Okay, bye!
Joannie, at 9:38 AM
My 20 minute typed response was lost...ARG:
I rushed to read it 2 years ago and it didn't speak to me...all I remember is BUSH TEA (no relation to our "president"). Now, after reading your description...I'm thinking it might be worth another try!!
Also, I'm currently reading "The Secret Life of Bees" and I'm enjoying it VERY MUCH!!!
Hope this doesn't disapear!!
Love you all --- Even though I hardly every see you!!! I guess it's that time of year again!!
betsyjane, at 1:24 PM
Great site, Joannie! There are soon to be 8 books!! I thought there were only 6. Now I'm really psyched!! Looks like it will be a movie too, someday. Can't wait!
Chrissie, at 1:42 PM
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