Had a good day!!
Hello and welcome to Betsy the Bitch's Fetishes (please see previous blogs P.S.)
I had a good day. Got a lot done. The trick...don't sit down. Once I sit down, it's hard to get up. Or even worse...if I lay down (or lie down- never did get the difference in this...don't even try...You lay objects down but you lie down right???) the force of gravity becomes too overpowering and the rest of the day is shot!!
Still enjoying my book. Why did it take me so long to find a good book. They are so much fun!!
Whatever you do...DO NOT BLOG!! I don't want to hear what's happening in your life!! In fact...I dare you to blog!!!
I really like to stop in the middle of a sentence and add 3 dots...to illustrate the pause if I was talking. (I know, are there really pauses when I'm talking???) Does it drive you crazy??? or do you like it??? Spell check doesn't like it...but I don't like spell check anymore (please see previous blogs P.S.) Now I'm noticing that I like to put 3 question marks after good questions. Wow, I'm learning a lot today.
Good night!!
I had a good day. Got a lot done. The trick...don't sit down. Once I sit down, it's hard to get up. Or even worse...if I lay down (or lie down- never did get the difference in this...don't even try...You lay objects down but you lie down right???) the force of gravity becomes too overpowering and the rest of the day is shot!!
Still enjoying my book. Why did it take me so long to find a good book. They are so much fun!!
Whatever you do...DO NOT BLOG!! I don't want to hear what's happening in your life!! In fact...I dare you to blog!!!
I really like to stop in the middle of a sentence and add 3 dots...to illustrate the pause if I was talking. (I know, are there really pauses when I'm talking???) Does it drive you crazy??? or do you like it??? Spell check doesn't like it...but I don't like spell check anymore (please see previous blogs P.S.) Now I'm noticing that I like to put 3 question marks after good questions. Wow, I'm learning a lot today.
Good night!!
But we've gone 2 whole days without seeing or talking!! There's lots to talk about. Happy birthday Julia! Sweet 16 and missed alot!
Chrissie, at 5:04 PM
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