Peace and Love
I am just back from the 4th annual West Granville Women's Retreat. I am extremely at peace, well stretched (we had a yoga instructor come and work with us for over an hour), and mighty proud. You see, I was the leader/facilitator on Saturday and I am very pleased with how things turned out. These WG sisters of mine ranging in age from 43 - 68 are truly angels and I feel blessed to be able to call them all my friends. We laughed and cried. I really never thought I would find a church that I would truly feel at home at and a part of. Boy was I wrong.
On another note (pun intended) I am now the new "Music coordinator" at WGPC and am FINALLY earning a SALARY!!! Yipee. Thank you all for your support, encouragement and advice as I struggled to find a way to request payment without sounding too much like a bad Christian.
I too have eaten a banana everyday since sending on that message, although a dietitian in my choir says that the information is exaggerated. I apologize for sending on misinformation, however I am convinced that bananas ARE very good for you.
Thank you Lindsay for giving us a way to communicate more and to keep up with each other's lives. I will have fun with it, however, I just want to clarify that as I understand it, anyone can view this blog. So we will need to be mindful of maintaining all the family secrets!!!!
I send my peace and love to all the many blessed family members out there that mean so much to me!! (Oh, hi to the rest of you too.)
On another note (pun intended) I am now the new "Music coordinator" at WGPC and am FINALLY earning a SALARY!!! Yipee. Thank you all for your support, encouragement and advice as I struggled to find a way to request payment without sounding too much like a bad Christian.
I too have eaten a banana everyday since sending on that message, although a dietitian in my choir says that the information is exaggerated. I apologize for sending on misinformation, however I am convinced that bananas ARE very good for you.
Thank you Lindsay for giving us a way to communicate more and to keep up with each other's lives. I will have fun with it, however, I just want to clarify that as I understand it, anyone can view this blog. So we will need to be mindful of maintaining all the family secrets!!!!
I send my peace and love to all the many blessed family members out there that mean so much to me!! (Oh, hi to the rest of you too.)
That is fantastic, Bets! I know how I come home from retreats feeling so blessed and fulfilled. It is so important to take stock of your life. I am sure that you did a fabulous job. How did You Are The New Day work out? This could be fun, except I could just call you on the phone, and be done in 2 seconds! Except, I probably wouldn't do it, because I would think that I have too much to do to be talking on the phone. What irony! Anynow, talk to you later!
Joannie, at 3:11 PM
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